
The Grate Sump - more about the Grate Products Sump Liner

Grate Sump Pump Basin by Grate Products LLC
The Grate Sump is much more than a normal sump basin to place a sump pump in. It's a total connection system that ends up being the command center for the GrateDrain system.

It helps the Grate Drain Work.
The entire run of the french drain, known as Grate Drain, is pitched to outlet ports that dump any moisture and water directly into the sump. This connection point can also pivot which makes fitting a drain with the proper pitch easy in any basement. If the floors are thicker than normal than the outlet ports can connect lower on the body of the Grate Sump to keep that perfect pitch throughout the system.

Cord Management
Every GrateSump has built in pipe and cord management. The most dangerous thing about submersible pumps are open cords with live electricity. These formed openings are smooth and keep the cords from moving and getting caught in the pull of the pump. This helps to keep any technician safe while performing maintenance on your system.

Child-Proof Lid
The lid is also extremely difficult to remove. This is perfect for households with children. Open sumps can cause injury or death, so this tight lid that never has to be removed (except for during service) will stay tightly put, keeping children out.

Large openings open to the center of the floor.
One of the biggest problems with store bought sump basins are that their holes are small. This is bad for a few reasons. The Grate Sump's openings are large, smooth and punched so there is no rough surface. They're small enough to keep stones out with filter fabric and large enough to keep iron bacteria colonies from forming and causing clogs. These openings are extremely important - your sump pump now has direct access to the water underneath the home. This helps to keep this level under control so as to not cause seepage elsewhere in the basement.

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