
Sump Pumps, Service and Learning to Live in New England - Nor'Easter hits New England with Massive Rain and Flooding

(Boston, ma) Over 50,000 homes at the end of February and into March were without power causing many homeowners to flood or experience water in their basements for the first time in their lives.

Coastal towns like Plymouth and Sandwich Massachusetts saw water being thrust at them not only from the sky, but also from the surging beaches.

Increasing water table from natural accumulation saw many homes surrounded by water or with inches or more into their basements.

“With a huge Nor’easter storm like this, it’s hard to keep your home protected from it.” says Steve Andras, president of Pioneer Basement Waterproofing in Mass. “Many of our customers learned from last years ice storm at the end of December and bought their battery backup sump pumps which helped them wait out the majority of the downpours.”

“It’s really a key support that any home in New England should have with the amount of annual rain fall this part of the country has. Otherwise you’re really just gambling on the severity of the storm which no one can control.”

Response teams from emergency crews, basement waterproofing companies and even fire departments all over Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island responded around the clock to calls coming in, well over 24 hours.

“It’s a yearly occurrence that is happening at an interesting time this year,” said Chris Brown, president of Rescon Basement Solutions of New Hampshire. “Normally you can expect snow or rain, but not both in such an odd pattern this late in the winter. It was a storm that definitely took many households by surprise in Northern Massachusetts.”

With even the most extreme pump provided by some local Fire Departments having trouble keeping up with volume in some shore towns, homeowners got a solid reminder of what this part of the country can see during Hurricane season.

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1 comment:

aaron said...

I stumbled on this article and was amazed at how far reaching the storm was. I am the owner of a basement waterproofing company in Pittsburgh and we experienced similar conditions. I am pleased to see that other blogs like this. My own blog


discusses such events in Pittsburgh. Love the blog. Have a great day!