
2 weeks of Rain, bad for some, good for others

Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut have been met with violent rainstorms these past two weeks. A series of these storms cut through the state 2 days ago, and now, like some miracle, the sun is shinning like nothing has ever happened.

Pioneer Basement's covert has been filling and dissipating as fast as the rains come and go. The main point however is that when the covert gets to be at a specific height on our property, we know, at least, that local calls will be coming in.

Covert technology is used all over the United States to direct the flows of water to shallow basins. Florida, New York, Philly and Boston all have similar uses of the same technique.

The Bad for some:My landscaping friends have been board these past few days. None, absolutely none, of their outside work could have been completed in the last two weeks where they operate. I felt bad with this update but that's the nature of any home improvement. Some people can operate come rain or shine, and others are totally at the mercy of Mother Nature.

Interior drainage can be installed rain or shine, 365 days a year, which means less down time and a better ability to service and maintain existing customers. This means more chances for homeowners to do the work and more opportunity to eventually finish. Having a healthy basement is a key step to any finishing job and will set up a custom basement for a long, healthy, and protected success.


Tampa Home Inspections FL said...

Bad whether adds up to the damp and wetness in the home and specially those areas which are away from light and also exposed to water pipes.

Spam Hunter said...

No kidding Tampa Home Inspection FL. This is no follow blog so your link is not going to get as much as you thought.

Google is watching you.